The Historic Kenwood Neighborhood Association is launching a Tree Program in order to increase the tree canopy throughout the neighborhood. Trees provide a variety of benefits including shade, clean air, habitat for wildlife, neighborhood character, climate resilience and more (not to mention that an oak tree is the symbol of the neighborhood!).
Historic Kenwood homeowners can apply to have a tree planted in their property’s right-of-way, between the street and sidewalk. Homeowners will be responsible for watering the new tree for the first year after planting. See the watering schedule below. Priority will be given to locations with no overhead obstructions and neighborhood blocks with little or no existing tree canopy. The Program is grant funded and there is no cost for homeowners. Recipients of trees will be required to join or renew their membership with the Historic Kenwood Neighborhood Association. Neighborhood volunteers are available to assist homeowners with planting the trees.
On July 22, 2023, homeowners and volunteers successfully planted 19 trees throughout Historic Kenwood. All of the trees were Florida natives and keystone trees (Southern Live Oak, Winged Elm, Red Maple, and Slash Pine) meaning they provide vital sources of food and shelter to other species. The trees were 30 gallons and 8-10 feet tall.
The next round of tree planting will take place in the Fall.
Stay tuned for the application deadline.
Contact trees@historickenwood.org with questions.